(1) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Bukittinggi 

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Indonesian language learning model at the college, include MKDU course, must be taken by all students in all departments. Usually, the lecturer use books sold in the bookstore or designed by the lecturer him/herself. In order to make the students become proficient in the Indonesian Language Learning, then the books provided by the lecturer always interjected and motivated the students to produce the relevant examples with the lecturing material. According to the writer’s observation toward some references available, it is very rare or there is none of religion-based examples. Considering UU Sisdiknas No. 20 year 2013 that education aimed to improve the students potency to be a believer and devoted human to the only god, to be noble,.....” And to be synchronous with the goal of the 2013 Curriculum which says the 2013 curriculum prepare the Indonesian people to have a life skill as a personal and believers citizens,... the writer offers the Indonesian language learning model at the college based religion, such as in the producing sentences: (1) Father and Mother watch movie in the TV together, to be Father and Mother pray together in Masjid. (2) My younger sister gives the neighbor a plate of bread, to be my younger sister handout the neigbor a plate of bread. The religious themes delivered to the students will lead the students to the religious character. The Indonesian language learning at the religion-based college should be interpreted widely, not only related with shari’a, but also include other characteristics.
Keywords: language learning model, religious-based,
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