Mitos Kecantikan Perempuan dalam Novel Lalita karya Ayu Utami

Nesa Riska Pangesti, Delsa Jelita Putri, Yulianti Rasyid, Fina Hiasa


This research aims to reveal the myth of female beauty in the novel Lalita by Ayu Utami. Beauty is one of the most important factors in a woman's appearance. Psychologically, beauty is associated with intelligence, knowledge, and education. Physically, female beauty can be assessed through body shape, skin color, hair color, nose shape, eye shape, and other attributes. This study employs descriptive analysis using content analysis methods. The results show that beauty has become a normative standard and a feminist perspective that continues to be imposed on women. Different definitions of beauty exist within various social groups, as the concept of beauty is ultimately a social construction. Consequently, an obsession with achieving perfect beauty has emerged, driven by the desire for social recognition. This obsession is termed the beauty myth, which leads to women's loss of control over their own bodies. Additionally, due to the prevalence of beauty myths, women unconsciously experience both physical and psychological agitation. Such myths are perpetuated in society as tools to attract consumers.


beauty myth; women body; novel; feminism

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