Penggunaan Campur Kode pada Kolom Komentar Produk Iklan Shopee

Rizky Wahyu Yuliyanti, Sri Wahono Saptomo, Suparmin Suparmin


The background of this research is to identify the type of code mixing used in product comments on Shopee advertisements. This research is a qualitative design method with the aim of explaining the phenomenon of using code mixing in online shopping comments. This is because in qualitative research the data that will be produced is mostly in the form of mixed language in one column of comments in the form of words or sentences. The data from this study are speech in response to conversations in the comments column for a product in the Shopee application and the data source is taken from the online shopping application Shoppe. In this study, the data collection method used was in the form of documentation, supported by recording and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique is by opening the comments column in the Shopee application and then screenshots the data in the comments column which is included in the code mixing and then analyzed by re-recording the data. The results of this research show that there is code mixing in the form of words, phrases and types of code mixing which consists of internal and external code mixing and mixed code mixing.


code mixing, comment response, shopee ads

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Publisher: Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang