Analisis Kesalahan Penulisan Abstrak Tugas Akhir (TA) dan Skripsi Mahasiswa STMA Trisakti

Bagus Suhendar, Syakir Syakir


The purpose of this research is to find out the STMA TRISAKTI students’ errors in writing their abstracts in English, both in the form of the Writing Format, Grammatical or Sentence Structure, the Use of Tense, and Lexical or Word Structure/Word Order, Choice of Words/Diction. The research method used is Anakes or Error Analysis which uses the qualitative and comparative approach, and a simple quantitative approach. The quantitative approach is used to identify the existence of error frequency, while the qualitative approach is used to describe the existence of error forms. The results of the research show that 90% of 100% of samples that are analyzed have errors. From the total errors of all items analyzed, there are 71 errors or 100%, and the highest errors in the number of 33 errors or 46,47are is on the Lexical item, and the lowest errors in the number of 10 errors or 14,08% is on the Grammatical item. For that reason, it is suggested and necessary that the institution determine a standard for abstract writing in English, make an improvement of learning and teaching strategy for composition writing in English, specifically is correct and right abstract writing in English.


Abstract writing; error analysis; thesis writing

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Publisher: Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang