This study is a study related to the politeness maxims by students to lecturers in conversations via WhatsApp. The purpose of this study is to determine the types of politeness maxims used by students to lecturers based on the gender of the sender and recipient of the message. This study is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, and the instrument used is Leech's maxim of politeness. The source of data in this study is text messages sent by students to lecturers. The data in this study are in the form of student utterances in the form of words, phrases, and sentences containing politeness maxims based on Leech's theory (2014). The data in this study were analyzed using the document analysis method. In this study, four types of conversations (female to female, female to male, male to female, male to male) are applying the tact maxim and obligation of speaker to other maxim. However, it found that only 3 types of conversations use the generosity maxim, 1 type of conversation uses the modesty maxim, 1 type of conversation uses the sympathy maxim, and 1 type of conversation uses the obligation of other to speaker maxim.