This research analyzed the affixation in the text of Pasambahan Manjapuik Marapulai Speech by Yus Dt Parpatiah. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The results showed there are 12 types of affixes in the pasambahan transcript text. These words have the addition of affixes and some do not. The presented affixes are the prefixes ma-,ba-, ta-, di-, sa- and pa-, suffixes –kan, and –an, and confix di-kan. The researcher also found omitted affixes, they are prefixes ma-, ba-, and confixes pa—an.. Addition of these affixes to word, some change the word class and meaning (derivational), and some remain the word class and meaning (inflectional). There are the addition of some affixes to the word, and also even have no affixes. This happens because Yus Dt Parpatiah as a speaker uses simple and short words by omitting some affixes, in order to make pronunciation easier.The researchers also found that Yus Dt Parpatiah uses the language of literary works in his speech.