
This research aims to find the types, functions, and factors of code switching used in Boy William’s Youtube channel. Data were collected from Boy William’s Youtube channel and analyzed using Hoffman (2014) for types of code switching, Gumperz (1982) for function of code switching, and Holmes (2013) for factors of code switching. There were 79 utterances from four types of code switching used in Boy William’s Youtube channel. These type consist of 6 estabilishing continuity with the previous speaker, 28 inter-sentential switching, 34 intra-sentential switching, 11 emblematic code switching. Intra-sentential switching is the most dominant type of code switching used in Boy William’s Youtube channel. The function used in Boy William’s Youtube channel were quotation, adresse specification, interjection, reiteration, message qualification, and personalization and objectivization. The most  dominant function used was interjection. Then, the factors of code switching were participants, solidarity, social context and topic.The most fominant factors used in Boy William’s Youtube channel was participants.


Code Switching, Youtube