The Analysis of English Loanwords Used by Indonesian Generation Z in Social Media “Threads”

Eka Fajrina(1), Andi Muhammad Irawan(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Fajrina


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This research aims to identify the types of loanwords used by generation Z in social media “Threads” and this research also analyzed the social context on the use of loanwords by generation Z in that social media. To analyze the loanwords the author used Haugen's (1950) types of lexical borrowing theory. The researcher found that there are 3 loan-words, 16 loan-shifts, and 1 loan-translation in their statements in social media “threads”. The social context matches with the Dell Hymes’ SPEAKING theory. Dell Hymes' SPEAKING theory also can analyze the social context of Generation Z's statements on social media threads in Indonesia by examining the setting, participants, goals, communication process, language use, communication channels, norms, and genre. Based on the research results, the researcher hopes that young people will realize and know that the words they use every day are loanwords and the author also hopes that foreign language words will not replace their mother tongue just because those words are popular.



Loanword, Generation Z, Social Media, Social Context.


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