An Analysis of Grammaticaal Cohesion Found in Steve Harvey TV Show Conversation: Discourse Analysis Approach

Muhammad Arsyad Hakim(1), Ambalegin Ambalegin(2),
(1) Universitas Putera Batam  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Putera Batam  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Arsyad Hakim


Full Text:    Language : English


This study applied a discourse analysis study types of grammatical cohesion in the “Steve TV Show” directed by Steve Harvey. The purpose of this study was to analysed the types of grammatical cohesion contained in the TV Show. Then, the conversation was analysed and classified by applying the theory of Halliday and Hasan (1976) to the data source. The data for this research was the conversation by the utterances in the TV Show “Steve Harvey TV Show”. The method of this research, the researchers used was descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique of this research, the researchers was using observation technique method, to observe the existing data in the data source used as material for analysis. The technique used in this research is note taking technique. Before do the collecting data, the researchers must do 2 steps for collecting data. The first, the researchers watching and listening the video. The method of analyzing of this research, the researchers used identification method. The technique of this research, the researchers used identification method the utterances that spoken by Tommy as a hearer and interviewer as a speaker in the data source. This research are identifying the data according to grammatical cohesion theory by Halliday and Hasan (1976). The researchers found the entire total of this study amounted to 15 data. Where personal reference amounted to 10 data, conjunction amounted to 2 data (1 additive conjunctions and 1 causal conjunction), and 3 demonstrative data (2 nominal demonstratives and 1 adverbial demonstrative)


Additive, Causal, Discourse Analysis


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