Merdeka dari Teknologi atau Teknologi yang akan Memerdekakan dalam Permasalahan Pembelajaran di Era Kekinian

Nofri Hendri(1), Septriyan Anugrah(2), Diah Anggraini Austin(3),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(3)   Indonesia

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Technological developments have brought significant changes to the world of education, especially in facing learning challenges in the current era. This article discusses the dilemma between "independence from technology" and "liberating technology" as a solution to overcoming learning problems. On the one hand, dependence on technology can create a digital divide, reduce social interaction, and increase cognitive load. On the other hand, technology has great potential to improve access to education, personalize learning, and optimize the efficiency of the teaching and learning process. This article uses a literature study and comparative analysis approach to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches. The results of the analysis show that the choice between the use or non-use of technology must consider the local context, student needs, and infrastructure readiness. As a solution, a hybrid approach that combines technology with traditional methods is recommended to ensure inclusive, effective and relevant learning. Thus, both independence from technology and liberating technology can play a role in creating an adaptive and sustainable education system.

Keywords: independent learning, educational technology, contemporary learning, digital divide, hybrid approach.


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