
Pempek Mama Oky Seafood is a restaurant in padang which is wilt on 19th May 2012. It is at Bandar Damar street no.19, Padang, west Sumatra. It is led by Mr. Rudi Setiawan. Since it’s first built, this restaurant’s promotions doun’t have significant effect, because the promotion is only by brochure.

From the reason above, Pempek Mama Oky Seafood promotion trough television advertisement is designed. TV advertisement is one of the way to promote a product by a video around 30 seconds, completed by picture, sound and brief message. TV Advertisement is choosen as the media because this kind of technology and information is easy to find.

This design uses SWOT analisis metod. The superiority of Pempek Mama Oky restaurant is, it’s the only one seafood restaurant in Padang. That is completed by Pempek. It’s weakness is lack of promotion.

There so many technology and information that cin be used Pempek Mama Oky Seafood promotion, one of them is TV advertisement, supported by X-Banner, CD Box, CD Label, Calender, Pin, Sticker, Decoratives Plates, Book Menu, Flaig Chain, and Tabel Number.

Key Word: Video, TV Advertisement, Promotion, Pempek Mama Oky Seafood.