The influence of carbon sources on the production of siderophores from the fluorescent pseudomonad bacteria
Pseudomonad fluorescent is one of the rhizobacteria groups that could potentially be developed as a crop endurance inducer. Several species of fluorescent pseudomonad are able to produce siderophores. Siderophore is an antimicrobial organic compound that plays a role in biological control of plant diseases. This study aims to determine the best carbon source for the production of siderophores from the fluorescent pseudomonad isolates PfCas3 and PfLAHp2. The carbon sources are fructose, glucose, and glycerol. Detection of siderophores was measured using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 410 nm. The results showed that the best growth medium for producing siderophores was KB + glucose medium for both PfCas3 and PfLAHp2 isolates. The best combination was the use of PfCas3 isolate with the addition of carbon glucose source which resulted in the production of siderophores of 1.574.
Keywords: Fluorescent pseudomonad, carbon sources, siderophore
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