Teacher Competencies are a set of professional standards which should be owned and developed by a teacher. Teacher has to maintain high standards of personal and professional integrity when carrying out all duties and responsibilities. In order to create an efective and a good performance in teaching, teacher has to have skills and master in teaching competencies. Because the competencies really influence teacher’s success in teaching. As a challenge in globalization, the role and the responsibility of teacher in the future will be more complex. So, the teachers really should increase their competencies mastery. To upgrade the teacher’s competencies are really needed an education training. In this writing, will more focus on the increase of English Teacher’s Competence in SMP N 10 Padang especially for English Teachers. The appropriate education trainings are school internal training, In House Training, Miter School Training, Graduate Training System, and Distance Learning.
Kata Kunci: Kompetensi guru, pendidikan dan pelatihan