
This article aims to describe the experience of teaching and learning music observed by a community service team with cultural art teachers at SMP Negeri 9 Payakumbuh who taught students to learn recorder ensembles using music material using video notation. The video of music notation that is presented to students while studying is a video that displays music notation that is ready to be listened and watched immediately. The video material was made using the noteworthy composer music program. The rationale for the community service team to make a video of music notation for students' recorder learning using this video, is to create a real (real) learning situation, between the practice of playing the recorder that students play with the tone and melody of the song that corresponds to the notation being played, with seen, and heard. While on the part of the teacher as a teacher, they are equipped with a module that provides instructions on using the noteworthy composer music program for making song material, which in the end can be captured in screenshots for the purpose of making a simpler learning video. The results of this activity have shown the students' interest and enthusiasm in learning to practice recording in group music games (ensembles), because the notation that is seen and read is the notation in the video, which when practiced in the ensemble game can be adjusted to the notation that is seen and the sound that is heard.


ansambel recorder, music notation, modul, noteworthy