Joan Marta & Dewi Zaini Putri


With the policy of regional autonomy, the area required to be able to find and develop the economic potential of its superior so that the area can attempt to optimize its performance for superior economic potential can be exploited optimally. Economic growth is not accompanied by employment growth can be a serious problem in the process of economic development of a region. This study aims to look at the pattern and structure of regional economic growth districts in West Sumatra and other sectors of the economy whatever be seeded and how the absorption of labor in the superior sector. To achieve these objectives, the author uses the analysis of Location Quotient (LQ), Model Growth Ratio (MRP), and Overlay. As for seeing the absorption of labor used in the LQ analysis employment. LQ analysis results during the analysis period (2006-2008) showing the city of Padang is an area that has the most basic sector that is as much as 6 sectors. While the district that has at least the basic sector is the Mentawai Islands regency and Pasaman district which has only 2 sectors consistent basis throughout the year of analysis. Overlay analysis of the results as a whole shows that there are 3 sectors of the economy owned by Regency / Municipality in West Sumatra Province entered in the first criterion is positive for all three components bernotasi (+++). The three economic sectors are trade, hotels, and restaurants in the district town of Bukittinggi West Pasaman and then transport and communications sector in the district and the city of Padang Pariaman last Payakumbuh and financial sector, leasing, and service companies in the city of Padang, the city Padang Panjang, Bukittinggi city and town Payakumbuh. From the analysis of employment LQ sides on four main sectors, still found a number of sectors which do not become the basis of the employment base. The development of leading sectors which can absorb high labor should be the main focus of government. However, the development of the seed sector should not ignore other economic sectors that still have the possibility to develop in the future. The development should be done in crosssectoral, integrated, and consistent.

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