Pengaruh Financial Literacy dan Income terhadap Personal Financial Management Behavior pada Generasi Millennial Kota Padang

Indriana Putri - Universitas Negeri Padang
Abel Tasman - Universitas Negeri Padang


This research aims to determine the influence of Financial Literacy and Income with Personal
Financial Management Behavior of Millennial Generation in Padang. The sample in this research
is 120 respondents who already work in padang and the age between 20 until 39 years old. This
research was analyzed with multiple regression analysis using SPSS program version 25 . The
result of this research are: (1) Financial Literacy has positive influence and give significant effect
on Personal Financial Management Behavior of Millennial Generation in Padang (2) Income has
positive influence and give significant effect on Personal Financial Management Behavior of
Millennial Generation in Padang

Keywords: Financial Literacy, Income, Personal Financial Management Behavior

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