Pengaruh Penerapan Total Quality Management (TQM), Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Dan Sistem Penghargaan (Reward) Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial (Studi Empiris Pada Hotel Di Kota Padang Dan Bukittinggi)
This study aims to test and provide empirical evidence of: 1)Tthe effect of TQM to managerial performance. 2) The influence of measurement performance systems to managerial performance. 3) The influence to reward systems on managerial performance.
This research is causative. The population is 28 corporatis hospitality. The type of data is the primary data research. Methods of data collection is using questionnaires. the method of sample collection is using total sampling method . Data analysis techniques is using multiple linear regression.
The results of this study indicate: (1) Total Quality Management (TQM) does not have significant positive effect on managerial performance. (2) Measurement performance systems influence the managerial performance. (3) Reward system does not have a positive significant impact on managerial performance.
Suggestions on this study are: 1) The company is expected to perform the measurement performance systems so it will improve the managerial performance. 2)improving the managerial performance businesses needs to pay attention to TQM system and the award given to the manager, so the award is given to the managers can improve the performance of them. 3) Subsequent research can expand the variables of study by adding other variables such as organizational culture and motivation. Besides the research object can also be expanded by taking other available services.
Keywords: Managerial Performance, Total Quality Management, Measurement Performance System and Reward System.
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