
The purpose of this study is to (1) describe the understanding of junior high school teachers in Madiun regarding Higher Order Thinking Skills; (2) describe the teacher’s understanding of Higher Order Thinking Skills in learning Indonesian language and literature. The research method is in the form of a qualitative descriptive case study tecnique. Sources of data in the form of informants junior high school teachers in Madiun and questionnaires. There are a number of 25 junior high school teachers to be informants in this study. Questionnaires are distributed to teachers’ understanding of Higher Order Thinking Skills. Data collection techniques with informant interviews and questionnaire analysis. Data validity techniques through triangulation of data sources. Data analysis techniques with the interactive model analysis of Miles and Hubermann with the steps of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of preliminary research shows that 88,25% of teachers understood Higher Order Thinking Skills as a theory, but in the Higher Order Thinking Skills application they still did not understand them. In the next reseach stage, 87% of teachers can apply Higher Order Thinking Skills in making lesson plans, 87,3% of teachers are compile questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills. So 87,5% junior high school teachers in Madiun city can understand and appy HOTS in language learning and Indonesian literature.


HOTS; Indonesian language and literature learning; junior high school; high order thinking skills