Yego Yulanda -



Abstract — Indonesia as an archipelagic country has sizeable marine products. With Indonesia's geography is largely a sea so as to have the potential to produce abundant sea. Catches of fish sold at the fish auction place, but fish can not sold out. This resulted in fish will rot if not the preservation of the place (cool storage). There are two ways to preserve fish, namely the traditional and modern ways. Traditionally, namely with the fish drying in the sun, while the modern way by using a dryer. The existence of automatic dryers preexisting such modifications anchovy drying machine with rotary system. After further investigation it turns out the final project there is a shortage. Where the working principle of the dryer still be semi-automatic. Under the terms of the final project was designed and made ​​automatic fish dryers using microcontroller ATmega 8535. This tool is used on some of the components for this system to work according to the desired design. The component will involve an IC controller ATMega 8535 as the brain, SHT11 sensor for detecting temperature and humidity, the heating element as a heat source with a power of 480 W, and 1 piece of fan is used to lower the temperature and humidity. Values ​​of temperature and humidity in the incubator space will be displayed on the LCD. While the dryer door used to drive a DC motor gearbox. Drier machine has a maximum capacity of 1 kg. but in the experiment the fish drier uses 500 Gram anchovy. after drying fish tested and it has worked well without any significant damage during the drying process.

Keywords: ATmega 8535,DC Motor Gearbox Sensor SHT11, Relative Humidity, Temperature

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