The research was based on the problems related to low student learning
outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of learning
styles with student learning outcomes in subjects of mechanical precision
measuring instruments, X-class Industry Mechanical Engineering at SMK N 1
This type of research is quantitative correlation. The population in this
study were students of class X and X Automotive TMI numbering 70 students in
SMK N 1 Pariaman. Samples were taken using a random sampling technique in
which samples are obtained which class X TMI. Data collection was conducted by
distributing questionnaire study scale models that have been tested for validity
Liker realibilitasnya, then record the results of student learning. The collected
data were statistically analyzed with the help of the computer program SPSS for
windows version 15.00.
Based on the results of the study found that: there is a relationship
between learning styles to the learning outcomes of precision mechanical
measuring instrument class X Industry Mechanical Engineering at SMK N 1
Pariaman. This can be seen in the correlation coefficient of 0.607 and also can be
seen in Table r on attachment at 0,316. Because the count r> of r table, then the
presence of a significant relationship, and can be received on the level of 95%.
Great relationship is 60.7%. It means learning styles can provide a meaningful
relationship in improving student learning outcomes. The better the learning style
the better the learning outcomes of students
Keywords : learning style, learning outcome, precision mensuring tool mechanic
outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of learning
styles with student learning outcomes in subjects of mechanical precision
measuring instruments, X-class Industry Mechanical Engineering at SMK N 1
This type of research is quantitative correlation. The population in this
study were students of class X and X Automotive TMI numbering 70 students in
SMK N 1 Pariaman. Samples were taken using a random sampling technique in
which samples are obtained which class X TMI. Data collection was conducted by
distributing questionnaire study scale models that have been tested for validity
Liker realibilitasnya, then record the results of student learning. The collected
data were statistically analyzed with the help of the computer program SPSS for
windows version 15.00.
Based on the results of the study found that: there is a relationship
between learning styles to the learning outcomes of precision mechanical
measuring instrument class X Industry Mechanical Engineering at SMK N 1
Pariaman. This can be seen in the correlation coefficient of 0.607 and also can be
seen in Table r on attachment at 0,316. Because the count r> of r table, then the
presence of a significant relationship, and can be received on the level of 95%.
Great relationship is 60.7%. It means learning styles can provide a meaningful
relationship in improving student learning outcomes. The better the learning style
the better the learning outcomes of students
Keywords : learning style, learning outcome, precision mensuring tool mechanic