This study aims to determine whether there is a significant correlation
between the results of theoretical learning with practical learning outcomes
subject machine basic training class X SMKN 2 Sawahlunto machining techniques
. In this study there are two variables , namely the theory of learning outcomes as
the independent variable ( X ) and the practice of learning outcomes as the
dependent variable ( Y ) . The hypothesis that the proposed in this study is that
there is a positive and significant relationship between the results of theoretical
learning with practical learning outcomes subject machine training base in X
class engineering machinery SMKN 2 Sawahlunto.
The population in this study were all students of class X machining techniques
SMKN 2 Sawahlunto school year 2012/2013 .
With a population of 33 students , then all of the population is used as a
sample using total sampling method. Collecting data from the respondents
obtained from the value of a given test. Data processing using product moment
correlation and processed with the help of Excel and SPSS ( Statistical Product
and Service Solutions)version 16.0 for Windows.
Results of analysis of research data available price r count of 0.444 with
enough relationship level category . T count > t table ( 2.78 > 1.695 ) with α =
0.05 then Ha is accepted . It shows that there is significant correlation between
the value of theory with practical of the value of the basic operating machinery
training class X students majoring in engineering machinery at SMKN 2
Sawahlunto . Thus the better the theory of student learning outcomes will be the
better practice of student learning outcomes
between the results of theoretical learning with practical learning outcomes
subject machine basic training class X SMKN 2 Sawahlunto machining techniques
. In this study there are two variables , namely the theory of learning outcomes as
the independent variable ( X ) and the practice of learning outcomes as the
dependent variable ( Y ) . The hypothesis that the proposed in this study is that
there is a positive and significant relationship between the results of theoretical
learning with practical learning outcomes subject machine training base in X
class engineering machinery SMKN 2 Sawahlunto.
The population in this study were all students of class X machining techniques
SMKN 2 Sawahlunto school year 2012/2013 .
With a population of 33 students , then all of the population is used as a
sample using total sampling method. Collecting data from the respondents
obtained from the value of a given test. Data processing using product moment
correlation and processed with the help of Excel and SPSS ( Statistical Product
and Service Solutions)version 16.0 for Windows.
Results of analysis of research data available price r count of 0.444 with
enough relationship level category . T count > t table ( 2.78 > 1.695 ) with α =
0.05 then Ha is accepted . It shows that there is significant correlation between
the value of theory with practical of the value of the basic operating machinery
training class X students majoring in engineering machinery at SMKN 2
Sawahlunto . Thus the better the theory of student learning outcomes will be the
better practice of student learning outcomes