This research stems from the low motivation of some students studying
mechanical engineering majors, and the low learning outcomes of regular
students than regular students independently.This study aims to 1) Describe the
students' motivation to learn Regular Faculty of Engineering, majoring in
mechanical engineering, State University of Padang, 2) to describe the motivation
of students majoring in mechanical engineering Independent Regular Faculty of
Engineering, State University of Padang, 3) Knowing how the difference between
the regular students motivation to learn independently with regular majoring in
mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang.
Type of comparative research is classified. The study population is the Year
of incoming 2009-2011 students enrolled in semester Juli to December 2012
Department of Mechanical engineering in the College of Engineering, State
University of Padang with a total population of 311 students. Purposive sampling
technique, which is based on a judgment by the authors, where the sampling set
sebnyak 20% regular students, and 20% regular students independent study
courses mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of
Padang year in 2009-2011, the research instrument used disususun a
questionnaire in the form Liker scale, where data is done through questionnaires
spread. Data analysis techniques, namely the t test formula is processed with
Based on the analysis of data and the data description of the obtained
results 1) learning motivation of students majoring in mechanical engineering
Regular Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang high category ie
66.66%, 2) Self Motivation Regular students studying mechanical engineering
department of the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang category
are ie 65.71%, 3) there are t (2.237)> t table (2.000) so that Ho is rejected and
Ha is accepted, so the conclusion there is a difference between learning
motivation with a Regular Student Regular Student Independent study Program
Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering Education, State University Padang.
mechanical engineering majors, and the low learning outcomes of regular
students than regular students independently.This study aims to 1) Describe the
students' motivation to learn Regular Faculty of Engineering, majoring in
mechanical engineering, State University of Padang, 2) to describe the motivation
of students majoring in mechanical engineering Independent Regular Faculty of
Engineering, State University of Padang, 3) Knowing how the difference between
the regular students motivation to learn independently with regular majoring in
mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang.
Type of comparative research is classified. The study population is the Year
of incoming 2009-2011 students enrolled in semester Juli to December 2012
Department of Mechanical engineering in the College of Engineering, State
University of Padang with a total population of 311 students. Purposive sampling
technique, which is based on a judgment by the authors, where the sampling set
sebnyak 20% regular students, and 20% regular students independent study
courses mechanical engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of
Padang year in 2009-2011, the research instrument used disususun a
questionnaire in the form Liker scale, where data is done through questionnaires
spread. Data analysis techniques, namely the t test formula is processed with
Based on the analysis of data and the data description of the obtained
results 1) learning motivation of students majoring in mechanical engineering
Regular Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang high category ie
66.66%, 2) Self Motivation Regular students studying mechanical engineering
department of the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Padang category
are ie 65.71%, 3) there are t (2.237)> t table (2.000) so that Ho is rejected and
Ha is accepted, so the conclusion there is a difference between learning
motivation with a Regular Student Regular Student Independent study Program
Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering Education, State University Padang.