Chain coal feeder are devices whose function is to carry coal from the bunker into
the mill to get crushed / mashed with a flow rate of 4-24 tons / hour.At the
moment the system is in operation, a component of coal feeder often routine is
disturbed coal feeder chain, which is often the case bent and broken.In this thesis,
the writer is interested to know whether the bent chain is caused by coal feeder
operation load (load of coal at transfer), or caused by other factors such as the
presence of a stone / wood wedge or friction with coal chain attached
wall.Happens to the chain tension due to the load of coal and friction force chain
to the floor 22.88 MPa with wings chain has st37 225 MPa yield stress, the
working voltage is much smaller than the material yield chain.This means that the
load of coal with no make-wing bent chain and material usage st37 safe to drive
coal chain capacity of 21 tons / hour.
Keywords: Kekuatan Statik, Chain Coal Feeder.
the mill to get crushed / mashed with a flow rate of 4-24 tons / hour.At the
moment the system is in operation, a component of coal feeder often routine is
disturbed coal feeder chain, which is often the case bent and broken.In this thesis,
the writer is interested to know whether the bent chain is caused by coal feeder
operation load (load of coal at transfer), or caused by other factors such as the
presence of a stone / wood wedge or friction with coal chain attached
wall.Happens to the chain tension due to the load of coal and friction force chain
to the floor 22.88 MPa with wings chain has st37 225 MPa yield stress, the
working voltage is much smaller than the material yield chain.This means that the
load of coal with no make-wing bent chain and material usage st37 safe to drive
coal chain capacity of 21 tons / hour.
Keywords: Kekuatan Statik, Chain Coal Feeder.