This research aims to know is there any significant difference between the study directly on the
Group guided with conventional learning of spontaneity on the training electrical welding grade
SMK N 2 X in Payakumbuh. In this study there are two variables which is a model of learning as
the variable X and the student learning outcomes as the variable Y. to uncover lessons used
several dimensions that can be specified on both a variable.
This type of research is research design experimental research "Randomized Control Group Only
Design". The population of this research is the whole grade X T.Las SMK N 2 Payakumbuh
listed in the lesson 2011/2012. The technique of sampling is Random Sampling (at random), the
selected class is a class X T.Las 1 as experimental class and X T. Las 2 as the class control. The
instruments used in the form of tests. The form used is the objective test of 50 questions with
reabilitas: R1 = 0.81.
The results showed that the average value of the post test class for Direct Learning of 80,250 and
70,625 Conventional Learning class. The average value of the post the test shows that there are
significant differences between the results of the study class of Direct Learning with classroom
Learning. The average value for Direct Classroom Learning is higher than the average value of
the conventional Learning class. Based on the analysis of the data and results of research had
concluded that the results of learning in the education theory of electric welding subjects students
using learning methods directly on the Group guided spontaneity is higher than the results of
learning in the education theory of electric welding subjects students who use Conventional
learning methods.
Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar,Las Listrik, Pembelajaran Langsung.
Group guided with conventional learning of spontaneity on the training electrical welding grade
SMK N 2 X in Payakumbuh. In this study there are two variables which is a model of learning as
the variable X and the student learning outcomes as the variable Y. to uncover lessons used
several dimensions that can be specified on both a variable.
This type of research is research design experimental research "Randomized Control Group Only
Design". The population of this research is the whole grade X T.Las SMK N 2 Payakumbuh
listed in the lesson 2011/2012. The technique of sampling is Random Sampling (at random), the
selected class is a class X T.Las 1 as experimental class and X T. Las 2 as the class control. The
instruments used in the form of tests. The form used is the objective test of 50 questions with
reabilitas: R1 = 0.81.
The results showed that the average value of the post test class for Direct Learning of 80,250 and
70,625 Conventional Learning class. The average value of the post the test shows that there are
significant differences between the results of the study class of Direct Learning with classroom
Learning. The average value for Direct Classroom Learning is higher than the average value of
the conventional Learning class. Based on the analysis of the data and results of research had
concluded that the results of learning in the education theory of electric welding subjects students
using learning methods directly on the Group guided spontaneity is higher than the results of
learning in the education theory of electric welding subjects students who use Conventional
learning methods.
Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar,Las Listrik, Pembelajaran Langsung.