Pengaruh social comparison terhadap body dissatisfaction pada perempuan emerging adulthood pengguna media sosial di Sumatera Barat

Mellya Humaira - State University of Padang
Yolivia Aviani - State University of Padang


Abstract: The effect of social comparison towards body dissatisfaction on emerging adulthood women social media users in west sumatra. This study aims to determine the effect of social comparison towards body dissatisfaction of emerging adulthood women using social media in West Sumatra. The subjects in this study involved 274 young women in West Sumatra between the age of 18 to 25 years. Data were collected through body dissatisfaction and social comparison scale, using purposive sampling technique for sample selection. The data were analyzed using a simple regression analysis using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 for Windows. This study found that social comparison affected the body dissatisfaction of women in emerging adulthood using social media in West Sumatra, with an R Square (R2) value is .346. This means that social comparison as a predictor variable contributes 34.6% to body dissatisfaction.

Keywords: Social comparison, body dissatisfaction, emerging adulthood.

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