Hubungan peer support dengan resiliensi pada remaja broken home

Siti Sari - Departemen Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang
Yuninda Ningsih - Departemen Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between peer support and resilience in broken home adolescents. This type of quantitative correlational research. The population and sample are teenagers from Broken Home in West Sumatra aged 15-22 years, the sample uses Insidental sampling. The number of samples as many as 52 teenagers Broken Home. The research instrument was a questionnaire developed using the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (SD-RISC) which was modified by Rinaldi (2010) and modified by the researcher according to the needs and scale of peer support based on Solomon's (2004) theory. Data analysis technique using product moment. The results of the data test show that the two variables are related to the significance value of p = .018 and r = .325. Peer support has a positive relationship with resilience. This means that the higher the peer support obtained by the individual, the higher the level of individual resilience and vice versa.


Resilience, peer support, adolescents, broken home

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