Penerapan Metode Simple Hill Climbing dalam Menentukan Rute Terpendek Distribusi Usaha Bolu Dedek

Mutiara Putri -
Yusmet Rizal -


Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a problem related to a seller who are required to visit a number of different cities once only, and return to his hometown. This research aims to determine the shortest route in the distribution of Dedek's Bolu Enterprises using the Simple Hill Climbing method. The benefits of this method are to solve the problem of finding the shortest route starting from improving the initial solution by evaluating the current solution and considering neighboring solutions that have better objective function values. If present, the current solution is upgraded by selecting that neighbor solution. This steps are repeated until there is no neighbor solution that has a better objective function value, indicates that the local optimum value that has been achieved. Based on the results of the research, the latest route was obtained with a distance of 57.2 km on the combined route, namely O-A-B-C-D-F-E-G-I-J-H-O or 4.5 km shorter than the distribution route normally used by business owners.

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