Author Details

Syakbaniah, -, Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Negeri Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, Indonesia

  • Vol 5 (2015) - Articles
    Optimalisasi konduktivitas ionik dan sifat mekanik bahan polimer elektrolit padat baterai berbasis kitosan dengan penambahan plasticizer (etilen glikol dan gliserol) (Optimization of ionic conductivity and mechanical properties of chitosan-based solid electrolyte polymer materials with the addition of plasticizers (ethylene glycol and glycerol)
    Abstract  PDF
  • Vol 5 (2015) - Articles
    Pengaruh variasi komposisi serat tandan kosong sawit (TKS) dan serbuk kayu terhadap sifat fisis dan sifat mekanis papan partikel (The effect of variations in the composition of the fiber composition of the empty palm fruit bunches and sawdust on physical and mechanical properties of particleboard)
    Abstract  PDF