Pengaruh Technology Spillover Terhadap Produktivitas Tenaga: Studi Pada Sektor Industri Manufaktur Indonesia
This study aims to analyze: (1) The effect of technology spillover on labor productivity in the Indonesian manufacturing industry sector through foreign direct investment, trade openness, intersectoral spillover, absorptive capacity, and infrastructure. This study is descriptive and inductive research. The collection technique uses secondary data from the Large and Medium Industrial Survey (SIBS) and the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). This research uses multiple linear regression analysis with the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method from a cross-section of 29.292 Indonesian manufacturing industrial companies. The research results show that (1) Foreign Direct Investment has a lower and more significant effect, (2) Trade Openness has a higher and more significant effect, (3) Intersectoral Spillover has a negative and significant effect, (4) Absorptive Capacity has a positive but not significant effect, and (5) Infrastructure has a positive and significant effect on labor productivity in the Indonesian manufacturing industry.
Keywords: Technology Spillover, Labor Productivity
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