Pengaruh Asimetri Informasi, Kepemilikan Manajerial dan Employee Stock Ownership Program Terhadap Praktik Manajemen Laba (Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2007-2012)

Annisa Maiyusti - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This research aimed to test: 1) the influence of asymmetry information to earning management, 2) the influence of insider ownership to earning management, and 3) the influence of employee stock ownership program (ESOP) to earning managent. This research is causative research. The populations in this research was manufacture company registered in BEI in 2007 until 2012. Sample was determined by the purposive sampling method. Types of data was secondary data and the method of analysis used was multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis with a significance level of 0,05, the results of the study concluded: 1) asymmetry information has no sihnificant affect to earning managent with tcount < ttable value is 1,275 < 2,064 and significance value 2,06 > 0,05 (H1 rejected). 2) insider ownership has positive significant affect to earning managent with tcount < ttable value is 2,665 > 2,064 and significance value 0,009 < 0,05 (H2 rejected). 3) employee stock ownership program (ESOP) has has no sihnificant affect to earning managent with tcount < ttable value is -0,242 < 2,064 and significance value 0,809 > 0,05 (H3 rejected). Based on the result of this research, it suggested for company to use asymmetry information, insider ownership, and employee stock ownership program as a reference in estimating earning management performed by company. For further researcher to take samples of entire population (total sampling) of ​​the overall company and add another variables, such as current industry relative performance, future industry relative performance, debt and size of company.

Key Words : Earning Management, Asymetry Information, Insider Ownership dan ESOP

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