Pengaruh Keadilan Distributif, Keadilan Prosedural Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Dalam Penyusunan Anggaran Pemerintah Kota Padang

Rani Oktivani - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aimed to examine : 1 ) The effect of distributive justice on managerial performance , 2 ) The effect of distributive justice on managerial performance . 3 ) The effect of organizational commitment on managerial performance . This study classified the type of research that is causative . The population in this study is on education Padang . The selection of the sample with proportional sampling method . The data used in this research is primary data . The analytical method used was moderated regression analysis . The research proves 1 ) For organizations suggested to improve the implementation of distributive justice , such a move is done by giving justice to every member organiasi to convey the ideas and views of the organization or in the budgeting process , the important suggestions to improve the organization's long-term existence . 2 ) For organizations are advised to continue to improve the implementation of procedural fairness , the steps can be done in a way to a meeting with the appropriate procedures and in accordance with the actual procedure . It is certainly important to improve managerial performance all members of the organization that will encourage preservation of the existence of the organization in the long run . 3 ) For organizations suggested to strengthen employee commitment to the organization , and the organization's commitment to every member of the organization . If the implementation of these policies can be implemented properly it will lead to greater managerial performance so that organizational survival can be maintained in the long term . 4 ) For other researchers interested in studying the same title , the researchers suggest further research in order to add and use other variables ,because of the model used in this study ,it is known that the variables used in this study can be explained by 26 % While 74 % is explained by other factors not examined in this study , such as Motivation , Organizational Culture , Locus of Control , Leadership Style and others.

Key words: Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, And Organizational Commitment To Managerial Performance Budgeting

This study aimed to examine : 1 ) The effect of distributive justice on managerial performance , 2 ) The effect of distributive justice on managerial performance . 3 ) The effect of organizational commitment on managerial performance . This study classified the type of research that is causative . The population in this study is on education Padang . The selection of the sample with proportional sampling method . The data used in this research is primary data . The analytical method used was moderated regression analysis . The research proves 1 ) For organizations suggested to improve the implementation of distributive justice , such a move is done by giving justice to every member organiasi to convey the ideas and views of the organization or in the budgeting process , the important suggestions to improve the organization's long-term existence . 2 ) For organizations are advised to continue to improve the implementation of procedural fairness , the steps can be done in a way to a meeting with the appropriate procedures and in accordance with the actual procedure . It is certainly important to improve managerial performance all members of the organization that will encourage preservation of the existence of the organization in the long run . 3 ) For organizations suggested to strengthen employee commitment to the organization , and the organization's commitment to every member of the organization . If the implementation of these policies can be implemented properly it will lead to greater managerial performance so that organizational survival can be maintained in the long term . 4 ) For other researchers interested in studying the same title , the researchers suggest further research in order to add and use other variables ,because of the model used in this study ,it is known that the variables used in this study can be explained by 26 % While 74 % is explained by other factors not examined in this study , such as Motivation , Organizational Culture , Locus of Control , Leadership Style and others.

Key words: Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, And Organizational Commitment To Managerial Performance Budgeting

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