Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Transaksional Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Dengan Budaya Organisasi Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Kota Padang)

Joko Sonni - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aims to test and provide empirical evidence regarding the influence of (1) transformational leadership style on the organizational perfomance, (2) transactional leadership style on the organizational performance, (3) organizational culture on the relationship of transformational leadership style on the organizational performance, and (4 ) organizational culture on the relationship transactional leadership style on the organizational performance in corporate banking in the city of Padang.

The population on this study are all government and private banking company in the city of Padang (81 branch offices). The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Respondents in this research were tha head of bank branches in the city of Padang. The data  used on this research are primary data. Data collection method used survey method by using questionnaires. Statistical analysis technique was Moderated Regression Analysis with using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) as the tools.

The results conclude that: (1) transformational leadership style significantly positive effect on the organizational performance, sig 0.036 < 0.05 (the hypothesis 1 was supported), (2) transactional leadership style significant negative effect on the organizational performance, sig 0.004 <0.05 (the hypothesis 2 was supported), (3) organizational culture does not reinforce the relationship of transformational leadership style on the organizational performance, sig 0.67 > 0.05 (the hypothesis 3 was rejected), (4) cultural organization strengthening ties transactional leadership style on the organizational performance, sig 0.008 < 0.05 (the hypothesis 4 was supported).

Based on the above results, it is suggested: (1) for banking companies should implement transformational leadership style that can improve organizational performance directly, but with the company's organizational culture should also implement transactional leadership style that can also improve the performance of the banking enterprise organizations, (2) further research is recommended to improve the questionnaire statement to research more focused and able to uncover the problems examined, (3) future studies are expected to add another variable that affects the organizational performance as well as the expanding population in different locations so that research results can be generalized.


Keywords: Organization Performance, Transformational Leadership and Transaktional Leadership and Organization Culture.

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