Pengaruh Moralitas Dan Motivasi Penyusun Laporan Keuangan SKPD Terhadap Kecenderungan Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan (Studi empiris pada pemko Kota Sawahlunto)

M. Henzani - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aimed to test and prove empirical evidence of: 1) The effevt of morality with the tendency corruptibility on financial report. 2) The effect of motivation with the tendency corruptibility on financial report. The type of this research is classified as causative research. The population in this study was SKPD in Sawahlunto City. The sample was selected by using total sampling method. The data used in this research is a primary data. The data was analyzed by using multiple regression and t-test to see the effect of morality and motivation with corruptibility on financial report. The results of statistical test proved that : 1) The morality have a significant negative effect to the tendency of corruptibility on financial report. 2) The motivation have a significant positive effect to the tendency of corruptibility on financial report. This study suggested: 1) For the government, they need to increase their morality and they need to decrease their negative motivation so they can decrease the corruptibility. 2) For the next researchers who are interested in researching the same title may collect the data by using surveys technic and direct interviews with the respondents so the respondent’s answers will reflect the actual answer and they can understand well about negative and positive assertion on the corruptibility’s questioner.

Keywords: morality, financial statement, SKPD

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