Suzila Suzila - Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


The  purpose  of  this  study  were  to  examine  emprically:  1)Individuals  with  high  machiavellian characters will demonstrate intentions of performing different whistleblowing versus individuals with low machiavellian characters. 2)Individuals in  a  strong ethical environment will demonstrate the intention of performing different whistleblowing versus individuals in a weak ethical environment. 3) Difference between a high machiavellian character and lower one on strong environment toward whistleblowing. This research was used quantitative approach and an  experimentation type. The type of data is primary data. The population was the  employees of  local  government who  has  an  important position  in  their  office.  The  sample  was  119 respondents and the sampling was done with purpossive sampling technique with several criterias. Statistical analysis of anova was used for the hypothesis. The results showed that: 1) There was a different between a high machiavellian characters and lower one on whistleblowing. 2) There was a different between a strong environment and weak one on whistleblowing.3) There was a different between a high machiavellian character and lower one on strong environment toward whistleblowing.


Keyword : Machiavellian, Ethical Environment, Whistleblowing

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