Hanifah Putri - Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


Audit judgment is an auditor’s judgment response to information affects descision making documentation evidence and the auditor’s opinion on financial statement. The purposove of research to know: (1) influence of obedience pressure to audit judgment, (2)influence self-efficacy to audit judgment, (3) influence of obedience pressure to audit judgment moderated by complexity task, and (4) influence self-efficacy to audit judgment moderated by complexity task.The study was conducted on BPK RI representative of the Province of West Sumatera.. The samples were obtained by 40 auditors. The sampling method using total sampling. Data analysis techniques used are moderated regression analysis. The results show that (1) obedience pressure no effect on audit judgment with a significance value 0,579 > 0,05, (2) self-efficacy positively affected the audit judgment with a significance value 0,025 < 0,05, (3) task complexity weaken influence obedience pressure on audit judgment with a significance value 0,629 > 0,05, and (4) task complexity weaken influence self-efficacy on audit judgment with a significance value 0,043 < 0,05.

Keywords : audit judgment, obedience pressure, self-efficacy, dan task complexity  

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