Resti Ningsih - Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This research aims to find new evidence about the factors that effect the tranparency of local financial information via the website. Based on the rules related to the disclosure of public information, as a practice of good governance,all goverment units are obliged  to give  financial information to the public transparently. One of the media to deliver such information is through the website. Based on previous literature and research reviews, the authors used six factors that allegedly influenced the transparency of financial information via the website, these factors are the ratio of PAD, the size of local goverment, regional spending, the ratio of debt financing, and quality of financial statement. This study examines the transparency of local financial information on the website for a sample of 141 local goverments based on disclosure and accesibility to the information, and run two test models are logistic regression and multiple linear regression. The study using logistic method found that the rasioPAD, the size of local goverment, regional spending, the rasio of debt financing, dan quality of financial statement does not effect the disclosure of local financial information via website. Then, the research using multiple regression method found that only the size of local goverment having a significant positive effect on the accessibility of local financial information via the website, whereas other factors had no significant effect.

Keyword : Transparency, disclosure, accessibility, financial information, local government, website.

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