Pengaruh Construal Of Self terhadap Perilaku Etis Akuntan Di Minangkabau (Studi Eksperimentasi Semu pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi di Kota Padang)

Yulia Putri - Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi UNP


This study aims to test empirically whethet there is a difference of construal of self about the ambiguity of ethical behavior holier than thou Minangkabau accountant according to accounting students in Padang City. Samples in thi study are as many as 235 respondents, the sampling is done by porposive sampling technique with several criteria. Statistical analysis of the Independent Sample T-test was used to test the first hypothesis and the One Way ANOVA statistical analysis to test the second hypothesis. The results of the study indicate that : (1) There is a difference of construal of self about the ambiguity of holier than thou ethical behavior significantly on accountants in Minangkabau. (2) There is a significant holier than thou perception bias on accountant in Minangkabau.

 Keyword : Construal of Self , Holier Than Thou Perception Bias.


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