Analisis Pelaksanaan Lingkungan Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah Di Kabupaten Sijunjung

Dodo Wariswan - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi UNP


This research aim to to see how execution of Governmental System Internal Control about operation environment in Sub-Province of Sijunjung. this Type Research is classified at research having the character of qualitative. Informan in this research Inspectorate area, On Duty Management Of Finance Area ( DPKD) and On duty Social, labour and Transmigration Sub-Province of Sijunjung. Technique data collecting the used are Observation, documentation and interview.

Result of data analysis indicate that operation environment in Sub-Province of Sijunjung have been executed but not yet fully executed there still some environmental supporter operation which not yet been applied in institution governance of Sub-Province of Sijunjung. For element of operation environment covering the straightening of code and integrity of etik based on Regulation of Government of Number 53 Year 2010 and Regulation Of Domestic Minister of Number 28 Year 2007 about code of etik observation, komitmen to relied on interest is fundamental duty and function of each position which based on the Regulation of Regent, there him strive execution of leadership which conducive of institution head maximally, Forming of organization chart not yet as according to its requirement, Authority delegation and responsibility have very precise, Compilation and applying of healthy policy about construction of human resource have been conducted with existence of training, Role of governmental internal control government officer have been felt effective and There are good activity relation between governmental institution in Sub-Province of Sijunjung which have been co-ordinated better.


Keyword: Governmental System Internal Control, Environment Operation

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