Karakterisasi dan Uji Toksisitas Asap Cair dari Sabut Pinang (Areca catechu L)
It has researched about the characteristics and toxicity test liquid of liquid smoke from fibrous shell of areca nut (Areca catechu L). The purpose of this research is to find the compoundscontained in liquid smoke from fibrous shell of areca nut and the dosage of liquid smoke which gives effect of toxic. This research is begun with producing liquid smoke at pirolisis temperature 300oC. Liquid smoke produced is decantated, defiltrated and dedestilated at 100-105oC. Each liquid smoke is characterized by using GC-MS. Furthermore, the toxicity of the liquid smoke destilated is tested to the animal test at dosage 50,500,5000 and 15.000 mg/kg of the body weight and as a control without giving liquid smoke. Observation is done during 14 days to mortality of mice and the mice which are still alive will be weighed its weight. Based on the result, it is found that the components structured the liquid smoke. It consists of fenol, carbonil, and carboksilate acid. From toxicity test, liquid smoke obtained at the great dosage; 15.000 mg/kg body weight of mice is not toxic and giving liquid smoke declines the the body weight of mice.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.24036/p.v1i2.2524
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