An Analysis of the Teaching Ability of English Education Student at Teaching Practice Program (PLK) at West Sumatra Province

Rahmi Denura(1), Witri Oktavia(2),
(1) Universitas negeri padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

Corresponding Author
Copyright (c) 2025 Rahmi Denura



This study assesses the teaching ability of
student teachers in classroom practice. The research
involved 20 student teachers from the English
Education Study Program at Universitas Negeri
Padang, who conducted their teaching practice in
senior high schools across West Sumatra. Using a
descriptive quantitative approach, data were
collected through a teaching practice test adapted
from the PPG teaching practice guide. The test
included two main aspects: the ability to apply
lesson plans (10 items) and overall teaching ability
(19 items). The assessment was conducted by two
raters: Rater 1 (mentor) and Rater 2 (researcher).
The results showed that for student teachers’ ability
to apply a lesson plan, Rater 1 assigned an average
score of 7.70, while Rater 2 gave 7.80, leading to an
overall score of 7.75 which is categorized as the
“good” category. For teaching ability, Rater 1
scored 7.80, and Rater 2 scored 8.00, with a
combined average of 7.90 which is categorized as
“good”. The overall average score for both
indicators was 7.85, and also have a “good”
category. This result indicates that student teachers
get a good ability to apply a lesson plan and teaching
ability in the classroom from both raters. .


Teaching Ability, Teaching Practice test, English Education Student, Student Teachers


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Copyright (c) 2025 Rahmi Denura

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