An Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Used by High Achiever Students at SMAN 1 Padang

Ayunda Putri(1), Carbiriena Solusia(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2025 Ayunda Putri, Carbiriena Solusia



This study examines the vocabulary learning strategies utilized by high-achieving students at SMAN 1 Padang to improve their English vocabulary proficiency. A confirmatory sequential mixed-methods (Quant-Qual) design was employed, collecting quantitative data via a Vocabulary Level Test (VLT) and a Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) questionnaire, alongside qualitative data from interviews with three high-achieving individuals. The VLS questionnaire was modified from Riankamol’s (2008) instrument, which is grounded in Schmitt’s taxonomy (1997). It comprises 25 closed-ended questions evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale, with responses ranging from never (1 point) to always (5 points). The research utilized the revised Vocabulary Level Test (VLT) created by Webb, Sasao, and Ballance (2017), incorporating 60 items at the 2,000-word and 3,000-word levels. The results indicate that, of the six strategies analyzed, cognitive strategies were utilized most frequently (M = 4.43), followed by memory strategies (M = 4.38), social strategies for consolidation (M = 4.36), determination strategies (M = 4.35), social strategies for discovery (M = 4.31), and metacognitive strategies (M = 4.25). The findings indicate that students predominantly utilized cognitive strategies to improve their vocabulary acquisition. Repetition emerged as a significant cognitive strategy, enhancing pronunciation and confidence. Interviews underscored the efficacy of personalized learning tools, including tailored flashcards and exposure to English media, in enhancing learning outcomes. The research highlights the necessity of incorporating these strategies into educational practices to enhance vocabulary knowledge and development among student.


Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS), Schmitt’s taxonomy, Vocabulary Level Test (VLT), High achiever students, Senior High School


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