Gerakan Feminisme dalam Era Postmodernisme Abad 21

Syakwan Lubis



Feminism movement with struggle for gender as its alienation movement is still a big agenda, up to now, in struggling similarity and equality of women right to men.  In its early, this movement was begun with a demand of unfairness of treatment towards women and than it extended to claim for social unfairness through the demands of right equality that they want to reach. Actually, the gender issue, or what they called “feminism”, was an effort to rise women position and to ommit a gap between men and women as minimal as they could, either in social-culture or political-economy aspects, etc. This article will try to describe about the feminism movement in 21st century post-modernism era, especially that is concerned with moral (spiritual) movement of women, and historical background of the rise of the feminism movement, either in the West or in the East (Moslems) region.

Kata kunci: Gerakan Feminisme, Gender, Kaum Wanita

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