All the competency of Elementary Linear Algebra materials must be mastered by students during the lecture time that given by university, but there are many students who couldn’t master all competency. It was indicated by low student achievements. This occured because low students activity. One of causes was no material learning which using constructivism in materials presentation and using ICT as one of way to solve the problem. So, the focus of the research is developing a valid, practical and effective module Elementary Linear Algebra nuanced constructivism ICT-assisted. The type of this research was reseacrh and development (R&D).Procedure of this reseach is define, design and develop. Some elements of constructivism have used in module for material presentation. The module has be completed by mathematics aplication. The result of validity and trial of using module in learning process is valid, practical and effective.
Key words : Module, Elementary Linear Algebra, costructivism, ICT,
All the competency of Elementary Linear Algebra materials must be mastered by students during the lecture time that given by university, but there are many students who couldn’t master all competency. It was indicated by low student achievements. This occured because low students activity. One of causes was no material learning which using constructivism in materials presentation and using ICT as one of way to solve the problem. So, the focus of the research is developing a valid, practical and effective module Elementary Linear Algebra nuanced constructivism ICT-assisted. The type of this research was reseacrh and development (R&D).Procedure of this reseach is define, design and develop. Some elements of constructivism have used in module for material presentation. The module has be completed by mathematics aplication. The result of validity and trial of using module in learning process is valid, practical and effective.
Key words : Module, Elementary Linear Algebra, costructivism, ICT,
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