Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from the Andalas Plant Stem (Morus macroura Miq.)

Nisa Afifah, Dwi Hilda Putri, Irdawati Irdawati


The number of death couse of infection continues to increase. Treatment of infections is increasingly difficult due to increased resistance of germs to existing antimicrobial compounds. A new source of antimicrobial substances is needed. One source of antimicrobial substances is endophytic bacteria that live in the stems of Andalas plants. The aim of this study was to compare the diversity of endophytic bacteria present in old and young Andalas plant stems. The method used to isolate endophytic bacteria from the stem of the Andalas plant is the streak plate method. Bacterial identification is done macroscopically and microscopically. The results of macroscopic observation showed that there are differences in the number of isolates found in old and young Andalas plant stems. 11 isolates of endophytic bacteria from Andalas plant stems, each of which consists of 9 endophytic bacteria from old Andalas stems and two isolates from young Andalas stems. A microscopic identification was found that of the 11 isolates isolated, eight isolates were gram-positive and three isolates were gram-negative bacteria


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