Potensi Bakteri Metanotrof sebagai Pereduksi Emisi Metan pada Lahan Pertanian

Febrianti Rosalina, Sukmawati Sukmawati, Ponisri Ponisri, Anif Farida, Budi Satria, Ayu Diah Syafaati, Nuryanto Nuryanto


Konsentrasi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) meningkat seiring dengan aktivitas manusia dan menyebabkan peningkatan pemanasan global, salah satunya berasal dar sektor pertanian. Masih tingginya produksi emisi GRK pada sektor pertanian membutuhkan monitoring dan pengawasan secara berkala, sehingga dapat dipantau dan ditekan kuantitasnya. Untuk mengukur emisi GRK diperlukan inovasi dengan salah satu pengaplikasian bakteri metanotrof yang dapat menekan emisi di lahan pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi bakteri metanotrof yang diaplikasikan pada lahan pertanian dalam mengurangi emisi metan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian terdiri dari 4 perlakuan diantaranya Sungkup 1 (Isolat bakteri MFb), Sungkup 2 (Isolat bakteri MFc), Sungkup 3 (Isolat bakteri MFd), dan Sungkup 4 (Isolat bakteri MFe). Pengambilan contoh gas dilakukan dengan metode sungkup tertutup (close chamber technique). Emisi metan (CH4) dianalisis secara langsung di lapangan dengan menggunakan alat digital berupa Alat Pintar Digital deteksi Kebocoran Gas Metana dan Propana AZ-7291 untuk mengukur CH4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh aplikasi bakteri metanotrof terhadap laju penurunan emisi gas metan. Dari semua perlakuan isolate bakteri metanotrof  yang diberikan, perlakuan bakteri metanotrof dengan kode MFe mampu menurunkan rata-rata emisi CH4 sebesar 305,449 mol/jam dan dianggap bahwa isolate tersebut adalah isolate yang paling baik diantara semua perlakuan.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) concentrations increase along with human activities and cause an increase in global warming, one of which comes from the agricultural sector. The high production of GHG emissions in the agricultural sector requires regular monitoring and supervision, so that the quantity can be monitored and suppressed. To measure GHG emissions, innovation is needed, one of which is the application of methanotrophic bacteria which can reduce emissions on agricultural land. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of methanotrophic bacteria applied to agricultural land in reducing methane emissions. The treatment in this study consisted of 4 treatments including Chamber 1 (bacterial MFb isolate), Chamber 2 (bacterial MFc isolate), Chamber 3 (bacterial MFd isolate), and Chamber 4 (bacterial MFe isolate). Gas sampling was carried out using the closed chamber technique. Methane (CH4) emissions are analyzed directly in the field using a digital device in the form of a Methane and Propane AZ-7291 Digital Smart Leak Detection Tool to measure CH4. The results showed that there was an effect of the application of methanotrophic bacteria on the rate of reduction of methane gas emissions. Of all the isolates of methanotrophic bacteria given, the treatment of methanotrophic bacteria with the code MFe was able to reduce the average CH4 emission by 305.449 mol/hour and it was considered that the isolate was the best isolate among all the treatments.

Keywords: Methanotrophic bacteria, GHG, methane, agricultural land


Bakteri metanotrof; GRK; metan; lahan pertanian


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24036/0202371120929-0-00


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