Analysis of Genetic Variations in Poly Gene Sequences in Dengue Virus 2 Using In-Silico RFLP

Afifatul Achyar, Alvenaya Hindayageni, Fadhila Humaira, Nurfadillatun Nisa Wijaya, Nur Aqsha, Zultsatunni’mah Zultsatunni’mah


Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a disease caused by Dengue virus  transmitted to humans through infected Aedes aegypti and Ae. Albopictus. Dengue virus classified into 4 serotypes, including DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4. The genomes of the four dengue viruses share about 65% similarities, the rest is a genetic variation that differentiates between serotypes. Genetic variations also occur even within one serotype. This study aimed to analyse genetic variation in envelope protein E (POLY) gene sequences in Dengue Virus 2 NCBI PopSet 1760494694 using in-silico RFLP by free bioinformatic tools on internet. The restriction enzymes used were AfeI and ApaLI. The results of the in-silico RFLP in this study showed that there were genetic variations in the recognition site of the AfeI enzymes (A1 allele and A2 allele) and ApaLI (B1 allele and B2 allele) in 18 DNA sequences of the POLY gene for Dengue 2 virus NCBI PopSet 1760494694.


Genetic variation, Dengue Virus, in-silico, RFLP


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Copyright (c) 2021 Afifatul Achyar, Alvenaya Hindayageni, Fadhila Humaira, Nurfadillatun Nisa Wijaya, Nur Aqsha, Zultsatunni’mah Zultsatunni’mah

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