Effect of Time Incubation To Quality and Organoleptics Soygurt

Mades Fifendy, Syukryani Syukryani


Abstract. Soy is a soursce of vegetable protein that is recommended for consumption. One of the soybean ingredients known to the general public is soy milk. Soy milk is a health drink that has nutritional value equivalent to cow's milk. Utilization of soy milk is still limited because the flavor is less favored. To get a good taste can be processed through the process of fermentation by utilizing the bacteria Streptococcus thermophillus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus which will produce Soygurt. How long is the proper incubation time to produce soygurt at room temperature is unknown. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of incubation time on quality and organoleptic value of soygurt. This research is an experimental research with Completely Random Design 8 treatment, 3 replications. The treatments consisted of different incubation periods: 0 hours (control), 10 hours, 12.5 hours, 15 hours, 17.5 hours, 20 hours, 22.5 hours, 25 hours. Parameters measured were acidity, fat content, protein content and organoleptic value. The acidity data was analyzed by Anava. The results showed that the treatment given significant effect on acidity level. Levels of acidity, fat content, and protein content meet the Indonesian National Standard. For oerganoleptic test the highest score for color was on the 17,5 hour treatment and the viscosity was at 22,5 hours and 25 hours treatment. While for the favorite test is the treatment of 10 hours, 12.5 hours, 17.5 hours and 20 hours. The incubation time to affects the quality and value of the organoleptic soygurt.



Length of incubation, Soybean Milk and Soygurt

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24036/0201932104571-0-00


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