Pengaruh Daya Tarik Iklan, Harga dan Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) Terhadap Minat Pengguna Jasa Transportasi Online Grab di Kota Padang

Muhammad Zufaldi - Universitas Negeri Padang
Susi Evanita - Universitas Negeri Padang
Whyosi Septrizola - Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aims to determine the effect of the attractiveness of advertising, prices, and electronic word of mouth on the interest of users of Grab online transportation services in the city of Padang. The type of research used in this study is descriptive causative research. The population in this study is the people of Padang City who have seen Grab advertisements and know information about Grab, but never used Grab's online transportation services in Padang City. The sample used was 100 respondents using purposive sampling technique. The type of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were using questionnaires, and sources of literature. Descriptive analysis tool using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the variable attractiveness of advertising and electronic word of mouth has a significant and positive effect on user interest, while the price variable does not significantly and positively affect the interest of Grab online transportation service users in Padang City.
Keywords: User Interests/Consumer Buying Interests, Advertising Attractiveness, Price, and Electronic Word of Mouth

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