
Improvement of welfare and community mobility services in the economic movement
of a country or region, can not be separated from the influence of the development of
facilities and infrastructure support such as transportation. One of the most commonly
selected by society ground transportation is motorcycle. The limited knowledge of the owner
about damage of automatic motorcycle, it happens because of lack of access to early
information, to attempt repairs if there is damage to the motorcycle. therefore, needed a
solution for users in studying the damage to the motor and the existence of a motor damage
and determine what types damage to the motor with the help of expert system uses
advanced trace inference method (forward Chaining). This application is a web-based
display using the programming language PHP CodeIgniter Framework by using Sublime
Text 3 Editor and MySQL as the database. Damage to parts of the engine occurred due to
negligence in performing maintenance. Car owners need a periodic maintenance by
detecting any damage that occurs on the motor. Motorcycle owners should receive
information early or early diagnosis and identify the components, the characteristics of motor
breakdown as well as solutions to overcome such defects. This is done so that maintenance
and repairs are done right on target, so as to minimize damage to the motor. This application
is expected to help the owner of the motor to determine the initial diagnosis of the type of
damage the motor by way of answering the questions about the characteristics of motor
damage in the application.
Keywords: Matic, Diagnosis, Expert system, forward chaining.