
The purpose of this research is to know is there any influence of project-based learning towards learning outcomes of workshop engineering subject and technique drawing of mechatronics students class X at SMK 1 Sumatera Barat.It was an experimental research with quasy experiment design using Nonquivalent Control Group Design. The sample was the students of Class X TM A as an experimental group and the students of Class X TM B as a control one which used scientific model. Data collection techniques were from post-tests of both classes. After that, they were analyzed for homogeneity, normality and hypothesis test.The result showed that the experimental class had an average score 81,73 while the control class was 72,47. The result of significant hyphotesis α=0,05 tcount > ttable was 3,65 > 2,05 because tcount was higher than ttable, besides the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It was concluded in the significant of level, this study found that there was a significant improvement of project based learning towards the workshop engineering subject and technique drawing of mechatronics students class X at SMK 1 Sumatera Barat. As a result, project-based learning has a good influence than scientific model.

Keywords: Project Based Learning, Saintific, Quasi Experimental, Learning outcomes, Experiment,Control.